Below you can find the companies that sell this device. You can buy the device from any company. After you click “BUY” you will continue to the seller’s page.
NOTE: Prices posted on this page may be different from the sellers’.
Before Ordering the Device Please Note:
The device you have clicked to order is not sold by DiasporaTV!
DiasporaTV only offers information about devices that were tested and verified to work with DiasporaTV application.
DiasporaTV does not hold any responsibility about price, selling, shipping, quality, maintenance or replacement of the device that client buys. Devices are sold by companies that have no connection with DiasporaTV.
For any matters regarding the device you must contact the company where you purchased the device from.
If you understand this message, please click on the button below to continue to seller's page. Otherwise, please contact us with any questions you may have.
për çfarëdo pyetje që keni.